Thursday, January 29, 2009

drug trafficing in paradise

so we didnt go to the corn islands, lonley planet, the u.s. state department, and megans mom via wiki traveler say that is it a posibility that we could get muged at gun or knifepoint, raped, or have our room broken into. So we regretfully declined the islas de maize. We had to go to the capital anyways to get out and megan decided we should check it out for a night. The book says that its dangerous... and it is... but less dangerous at the book points out than the corn islands. We are staying in a hotel that is inside someones house, ruth´s house actually, and it doesnt look like a hotel... so we are pretty safe. We took cabs everywhere and it kind of looks like 28 days later here. the city was devastated by volcanos and doesnt have th money to restore itself... and another volcano is likely... so its part shanty town ... like houses made of trash and half shit hole... whith a art museum... that we went to that is partially closed. It displays drawings of animals that may have existed ( but i doubt it) and a few pàintings. We also saw prehistoric foot prints thatare cab driver had to ask for directions to get to ... he asked us if it was near the trash... thisconfused me until i say the town made of trash and the river of trash. The museums human remains it boasted were lying around on a desk... we looked through the windows to see them not really on display... and looked at the cave foot prints with the jehovas witness from texas who split the cab with us. After that we looked for a resturant to eat lunch at near our hotel... all we found was a place called the other fish. it was covered in murals of unicorns, the marlboro man, and che govera thinking about the styrafoam fish mounted to the wall. Musica romantica and cheezy american 80´s music sung in spanish and english was playing and we ate what wasnt fish.. beacuse the pro`spect of fish here is scary... not fishmeans fried food... and fanta in a flavor i can only describe as how bathrooom cleaner smells..... we are going to watch telenovellas in our room and leave in the morning.

on a more pleasant note ... in granada last night we ate at the resturant that was purple and had crepes. it was like eating at shouk in `philly. and we got a banana dark chocolate flambe crepe for desert that was seriously almost better than sex.... meagn and i felt like we had done somthing inapropriate in public afte eating it. and for dinner we had vegetable currycrepes! seriously.... go to granada... get your nails done... ride cariages, go to the street market... and go to NECTAR!

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